I’ve got two places to look at today … one might be too high up on the mountain, but it looks really cool in the photos. I’ve heard it’s really bad wear and tear on your car to go five steep miles uphill every day. But it’s on an acre, open to the dogs, and looks really cute, so worth checking out. The other is a friend who might be looking for a caretaker for her property, which I haven’t seen, but heard has really great fencing and tons of cool landscaping. It’s also much closer to work, so crossing my fingers one of these is a good fit.

My hair is sort of driving me nuts. I’m so not used to short hair, but it’s long enough that it’s getting in my face and driving me batty. I bartered some cinnamon rolls for a haircut, and hopefully she will help get me sorted out. I don’t know if I want to grow it out or what, but while everyone says the bangs look cute, having hair in my face is crazy making. With long hair, I just always put it in a pony tail or braided it, and I’m not sure what I want now.

I am trying to get outside with the girls every day that I can. A good long walk does all of us good, and then we get in the water, which is even better. I’m posting photos of our hikes on my instagram farm account, just because it’s easy: https://www.instagram.com/mackhillfarm/ I need to figure out what I want to do with that account, but I hate to lose all my writing history and photos, even if I’m not currently farming. I think I want to get some critters when I get into my own place. Chickens for sure, but also probably other animals, but I’ll see where I end up first, of course.

3 thoughts on “”

  1. Hi Lisa,
    Do you also have an email address where we can write to you?
    Been following your story for years as you know… would love to write to you in a less public forum too.
    Good luck with your next move.


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