Super Bs

I decided to do other B things today instead of watching the Super Bowl.

So I took my bitches, a blanket, a beer, a bowl, and a ball to the beautiful beach.

The girls had a blast. I couldn’t pick one picture that best describes the day, because they were so cute. Here is an album of the day. I was trying to embed the slideshow but I’m not brainy enough to make it work. Click on the photo, and then in the upper right hand corner, there’s a slideshow button. (Stupid Flickr. Get with the new stuffs!)

Super Bs

1 thought on “Super Bs”

  1. ♡ ♡♡ their happy faces! You, Frank, the kids and all the furbabies have been on my mind and in my heart. Glad to read of the dates set for surgery & Disa. Sending you much ♡ & healing vibes across the waters.


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