Another one of those nights I slept almost 12 hours. This is hard to believe if this is the new normal, but I guess I’ll get used to it. I woke up here on the farm, because they weren’t trusting I wasn’t going to have another seizure. But I woke up feeling really well, rested, no head ache, etc. A good beginning.
Megan loaned me the cutest dress. It’s purple! It is literally cut down to my belly button, but I wore it anyway. Purple sandals … and if only Tilley would make a purple hat, it’d be perfect.
The whole day was good today. I fiddled in the kitchen some, read some, goofed off some, and then evidently because all that resting was so tiring, I slept the afternoon away. I’m telling myself I’m getting used to the extra seizure meds and this must be why they increase the dose so slowly.
In the spirit of thinking about what I can have instead of what I can’t, I’m making lobster tails for dinner tonight.