
So my stress meter is sure wobbly these days to say the least.

Getting unemployment when so many others are trying just isn’t working. I don’t even want to talk about it but it is very frustrating. Hopefully it will happen someday somehow somewhen please. Navigating it has been a nightmare.

The fed money should arrive soon too maybe?

I can have a real pity party but I get back outside, play in the dirt, work on my place and then take the dogs for a walk at the end of my road. So at least I am sheltering in paradise.

One of the guided meditations that is helping keep me sane is this one. And during a morning meditation I asked myself what I needed because it wasn’t working like it had been and the answer was a Xanax. So I got an appointment and she also prescribed an antidepressant and anti anxiety med. My racing heartbeat and high blood pressure were evident.

I filled the prescription but haven’t taken either. Evidently just having them was enough to seriously help. Go figure. I want to research the medication before deciding.

I have such supportive friends. Even in times of quarantine I am surrounded by love and support. Thank you! This too shall pass.


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