Today was the most Monday-like Wednesday possible, I think. I usually have Monday and Tuesday off, so I’m used to it, sort of, but it went out of its way to be even more Mondayish than usual. Ugh, I’m just glad it’s over.


I had to brave town for a Costco run and it was remarkably easy. It’s a miracle. I stopped at the beach with the girls before hand and Disa was THRILLED with her Christmas frisbee. So much fun was had by all, and that sure helped me feel better for the crappy start to the day.

That little Ohana (sort of like in-law quarters) is going to be my temporary home or TQ (temporary quarters), for the next six months. Then it and the house it is next to are going on the market, so I need to be out of there by then. Nothing like a little deadline to help me get my place built as quickly as possible! I got one little load of stuff dropped off and sorted there today, and for someone who thinks she doesn’t have that much crap, it’s going to take quite a few more loads to get out of the room I’m in now. I’m aiming to be moved in by the new year. Here’s hoping.

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