Turning 52

52 I’m back on the Big Island, just in time to celebrate turning 52 years old yesterday. It’s nice to be in somewhat familiar surroundings, though when I wake up in the middle of the night, I can still be confused about where the hell I am. That used to happen to me all the time when I traveled, so no surprise really with all the changes that I’ve been through lately.

My hair is coming in with so much gray! And the hole in my head is really visible, so I’m glad for hats when I go out, and am pretty careful to ask if someone wants to see it. I find it looks pretty nasty the way it’s all caved in. The scalp touching the dura mater is still giving me a persistent low level headache, and the antibiotic is wreaking havoc on my stomach, ick. But all of that is still so much less painful than the tumor, so I’m sucking it up and not complaining.

Still, my 51st year was pretty much the year of the brain tumor, so I’m really looking forward to something else, preferably something good! I could use a spell of good luck for a change, though honestly, finding a surgeon to take out the tumor was great and I really am quite grateful. Not complaining, really. Hawaii! It’s just so lovely here, and I’m with the absolute best friends anyone could ask for.

Home antibiotic infusion We are all set up and trained on how to do the antibiotic infusions here at the farm. The insurance company covers a nurse to come out and draw blood and change the dressing on my PICC line every week, and every day around 2:00 one of us hooks me up to the Braun Easypump. Ninety minutes later, it’s all done. It really is quite easy, requires no other equipment, and I’m so glad to be doing this here instead of the clinic.

2 thoughts on “Turning 52”

  1. Following along on your blog and feel your pain. The picture of the pillow brought a lot of memories back. I an 4 years ahead of you I figure. I was diagnosed with my brain tumor in the spring of 2013. Take it easy listen to your body and rest between living life as full as you can.

  2. As terrible as antibiotics can make us feej, just imagine where we’d be at without tem. OMG is what comes to mind. I just finished a round of a new one I had never heard of before. Already toosed the bottle. But horrendous list of potential side effects. But good news is the bladder infection i ad is gone. Yay!
    Lisa, i am so grateful for you and Frank and your great kids. You brighten all our lives.
    Nicholas is here for Thanks giving weekend. So good to have such good boys


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