The first stake

I’m getting the first estimate for a platform on the land. I haven’t made any decisions yet about what will go on top of it, but it’s the first step. I could do a yurt, a cabin, a tent, a real house, who knows what. Potter and I measured out a 24 foot by 24 foot square and pounded in the stakes for the first piece of my place.

The pad here is very level, and just a few brush trees need to come down. It’s angled so that my view will be toward South Point, and will be high enough for me to live under the platform as well as a workshop while the building or whatever up above is built.

It’s tucked against this little spot in the land that makes me feel like I have some real privacy from the back, that the house front will be exposed but not the whole thing. I don’t know what that is so important to me, but it is. I’m never going to duplicate the privacy we had on 343 acres in New Hampshire, I know, but I really do want something that doesn’t feel like it’s on a suburban lot. Having it tucked back this way leaves lots of the flat building pad that I can build a really nice garden on in front, maybe even a circular driveway.

This is the view toward South Point. The house will be higher up, of course, so I’m hoping my view will be above the power lines. But also, every time I think to gripe about power lines, I remember how much I like having power. Lots of opportunity for solar power here, but the power lines will still be there. Being able to have that ocean view is why it’s called Ocean View, after all. It’s so clear and gorgeous right now. When the volcano was going off on the other side of the island, the vog was so bad you couldn’t see the ocean, just the vog (volcanic fog).

It feels good to have taken this next step! Go me. I’m breaking the whole process down into little tiny small steps so that it’s not overwhelming. I can do this. Gold star!

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