Buckled in?

This roller coaster ride is getting tedious. After speaking with the overwhelmed medical assistant just back from vacation, we learned I needed a chest x-ray and blood work and a Clearance for Surgery form filled out by my PCP. It sure would have been nice to have known that, because it could have gotten done last week, but oh well. We ran around and did it yesterday, including a pregnancy test despite having no uterus.

We learned they might have tried for the 28th Monday, which would have been quite the whirlwind, right? But it’s Friday afternoon in Hawaii, where everyone takes the afternoon off, so I’m assuming it’s not going to happen.

But more hoops were jumped through, stuff crossed off lists, rushed to town to sit around in waiting rooms.

I’m taking some hope in that those tests have a 30 day window, which hopefully means I’m within a month. If the date is farther than that, we might have the ability to contest it and go to Oregon, because I am not doing well at all. Not a good week this week.

I’m doing a lot of listening to Prepare For Surgery, Heal Faster, which took a heroic effort between Frank, Scott and Lili to get onto my Kindle.

One of her steps is to gather a tribe of people who love you and ask them to think of you with kindness and love, and I was ready to check that off my list, friends, and then she said for you all to do it about thirty minutes before surgery. Oh. If only we knew, right? But thanks so much for all of your kind thoughts.

At some point you just buckle in and let go, right? What is going to happen is going to happen, hopefully soon.

7 thoughts on “Buckled in?”

  1. You’ll have hundreds thinking of you 30 mins before surgery… just let us know, and we’ll be gathering all the good vibes and sending them your way! xxx

  2. This week is a not a good week, NEXT week will be a good one ( just like a roller coaster ). Lisa, you have TONS and TONS of people thinking only GOOD thoughts that your surgery will be sooner than later!!

    We are ALL rooting ( a gardening reference ) for you and planting the seeds of nothing for blooming GOOD LUCK AND WISHES.

  3. You have a gaggle of folks thinking positive energy in that 30 minutes, wrapping you up and strengthening you and the surgeons. Keep driving forward. You’ve got this.

  4. Many of your tribe will be thinking of you all the time, not just 30 mins before surgery! Wishing all the best surgical skill and may the force be with you, Lisa!

  5. Hi Lisa! Me & Gunnar send nothing but positive energy so u can get thru this challenging obstacle. W/all yur friends, famly, & all r pups we’ll all b pushing thru w/u! Luv, Elaine & Gunnar


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