If can, can

I’m hoping for news of a possible date on Monday. It’s very hard to wait.

I’m not feeling well at all, but really trying to embrace the Hawaiian philosophy of “if can, can”.

If I can refill my own drink cup, do it. If I can walk around and sit with the birds, do it. If I can bake something, bake it. If I can nap, nap. It sounds so easy, but I find it so hard. I have way too much Catholic guilt for as strongly atheistic as I am. I was the kid with not one bicycle paper route, but two, one in the morning before school, one in the afternoon.

I’ve had days when I didn’t need a cane, days when I do. Frank reminds me to “take the win”. Days I can choke stuff down, days I can’t stand the thought nor smell or ugh, food.

Thrift store score!

My strategy today is to wear something beautiful and cheerful and try to get outside as much as I can, but NO TWIRLING OR SPINNING OR FLIPPING allowed, because it’s a bad headache day.

I hope to bake some banana bread this afternoon for the farmstand, from bananas grown here and ripened on the vine. Maybe that will be yummy.

I have that horrific metallic taste in my mouth, and am trying to try something to eat every time I want to brush my teeth to get rid of the taste. Ack. We are trying all sorts of THC stuff to try to stimulate the appetite, but I think the wheel ruts were deep in my brain in the food areas, and that’s my weak point, body and food issues. Yay! Big fun. I’m going to try some tomato soup this afternoon, something I found soothing as a sick kid. I’ve always been a cliche.


I’m going to try to do simple, quiet things this afternoon. Megan and Scott are off to Oahu for business, and refused to take my head along in their carry on luggage. I thought they might be able to drop it off with the surgeon for the weekend, get a tune up and exhaust job or whatever, and I’d just sit here in bed and wait. WHY NOT?

I keep dreaming that I’m learning sign language. I think I used to know quite a bit when I was pretty young, like 6-7 ish. I am going to try to google me up some youtubes on it.

1 thought on “If can, can”

  1. Lisa, me & Gunnar say a morning prayer while on r walk b4 i go 2 work w/u & yur famly as a special intention. Enjoy each day as it comes. Luv, Elaine & Gunnar 🙂


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