
This photo shows so many layers.

The stray dog who has been hanging out with the girls. 2.5 months and he looks healthy finally, no more ribs showing. I still haven’t touched him. He’s very skittish but loves the girls.

Next is the newly scalped yard. A friend with a weedwhacker took it down for me. I really need a mower.

Then the line of tropical flowers I’ve put in as the start of a perennial border. The hibiscus are doing great and I love them so much.

The cows are next  I see them wander by every morning and evening. I like having cows for neighbors.

The neighbor in front is having invasive Christmas berry cleared. It’s really changing my view. That huge excavator is the same one that cleared the road into my place.

Then what I find so uniquely Big Island is that swath of black that looks like rich black gold soil is actually an old lava flow.  I need to ask someone what year that was. I think it was a long time ago.  Until this recent clearing, I couldn’t see the lava flow.

After that you can see where the rain line stops and the grass is no longer green though soon we will be in the rainy season and it will green up. Grass fires are common further down closer to the ocean. I’m about 10 miles from the shore.

On a clear day I can see the ocean so clearly and at night I can hear the rumble of waves at the shore.